Legal notice
Website Presentation
In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for trust in the digital economy, known as L.C.E.N., we inform users and visitors of the site of the following information:
Site editor
hibiki SAS
20 rue Saint-Fiacre, 75002 Paris, France
Name: hibiki
Legal form: SAS
Share capital: 1,000 euros
Declared under the SIRET number: 93245546200014
VAT number: FR 82 932 455 462
Publication Director
Grégory Herrmann
20 rue Saint-Fiacre, 75002 Paris, France
Intellectual Property
The entirety of the hibiki Site is protected by French and International laws relating to intellectual property.
All reproduction and representation rights are reserved.
Any reproductions and representations are subject to the express and prior agreement of hibiki.
Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes an infringement, engaging the civil and criminal liability of the author.
Similarly, it is strictly prohibited to use or reproduce the name hibiki and its logo, in any capacity, and on any medium, without the prior written consent of hibiki.
Hibiki's responsibility
The information provided on the hibiki Site is for informational purposes only. It cannot engage the responsibility of hibiki. It may be modified or updated without notice. The responsibility of hibiki cannot be engaged for any damage, of any kind, direct or indirect, any omission or error, or inability to access the Site.